Conthargos Converter I Contender
Cajandra Z Carthago
Classic Time Casall Caretino
W-Classic Lin Cassini I
Orchidee IV

Coeur Rouge

dark chestnut | 172 cm | 2019
Stud fee 900,- EUR plus VAT (300,- EUR insemination fee; 600,- EUR by living foal)

Coeur Rouge was awarded a premium at the 2021 OS licensing and is the embodiment of hope for breeding and sport! 

His performance on the triangle as well as loose jumping was very exciting to see and gave everybody watching goosebumps. He successfully passed his short-format stallion test last year in Warendorf. 

His sire, Conthargos, who recently departed us very unexpectedly, was one of the most frequented stallions in Europe! He himself was very successful and sired offspring who performed very well in the sport, notably Cosa Nostra, who was victorious with Alberto Michan, Conchento PS who came second in the Vilamoura Grand Prix under Luciana Diniz, and Concollon PS who came second in the Aachen Youngster Tour under Laura Klaphake. 

His dam, Classic Time, who produced the 2022 Westphalian Licensing champion stallion Con Touch RS (by Conthargos and therefore full brother), descends from Casall, who was an exceptional stallion in sport and breeding, who throughout his sporting career won several Grands Prix and ended his career on a high with a win in the Global Champions Tour stage in Hamburg.  Many of his offspring are successfully jumping at the highest level, such as Austria with Kent Farrington, Caracas with Jos Verlooy, Chesall Zimequest with Simon Delestre as well as H&M Chilli Willi with Nicola Philippaerts.

Couer Rouge descends from the Holstein damline 4025, which goes back to the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Champion, Classic Touch, with Ludger Beerbaum.  Many successful sport horses can be traced back to this valuable damline, including the 2022 Stuttgart World Cup Champion, United Touch S with Richard Vogel, Untouched S with Ben Maher and Jewels Carat with Marcus Ehning. 

Warmblood Fragile Foal Syndrome: negative

Approved for OS-International, Westphalian, Hannoverian, all southern studbooks - further studbooks on request.


Stallions-Show Vechta January 2025

Stallionshow March 2023

Outdoor Stallionshow April 2022

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