Cornet Obolensky Clinton Corrado I
Urte I
Rabana v. Closterveld Heartbreaker
Holivea v. Closterveld
Almoxella O Almox Prints J Hockes
St.Pr.St. Polygranna Polydor

Cornet's Prinz

Bay | 168 cm | 2005
Frozen semen 600,- EUR plus VAT

The proven Cornet’s Prinz is probably the noblest  of the numerous sons of the already legendary Cornet’s Obolensky (WBSFH World Ranking List place 4), the damline is also consistenly focussed on jumping performance through Almox Prints, Polydor and Grannus.

Cornet’s Prinz was German Champion of Junior Riders und Guido Klatte jun and is successful internationally in 1,55 classes. In 2009 he was awarded the I a main premium by the Springpferdezuchtverband Oldenburg. So far he has produced eleven licensed sons, including many premium stallions. So far, 13 descendants in Germany have been successful up to international S class, most notably the World Cup participants Corisanto/Guido Klatte and Captain Jo Argentinus/Christina Thomas as well as the stallion C-Prinz Argentinus/Lorenzo Barzaghi, successful in Italy. In Belgium, currently the most prestigious jumping horse breeding, he was one of the busiest sires and was awarded an elite premium. In the Belgian Foal Championship in 2016 he produced the champion and reserve champion as well as the eigth-placed foal. WFFS: negativ

Approved for Oldenburger International, Hanover, Westphalia, Rhineland, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, all southern German associations, Ireland, BWP and SF.


Cornet's Prinz 2016


v. Cornet's Prinz - Granulit

Züchterin: Gisela Klatte

Captain Jo

v. Cornet´s Prinz - Argentinus mit Christina Thomas, GER Züchter: Ludger Thomas


v. Cornet´s Prinz - Couleur Rubin mit Guido Klatte jr., GER Züchter: Zuchthof Risch


v. Cornet´s Prinz - Caprilli mit Angelica Augustsson Zanotelli, SWE Züchter: Gisela Klatte

v. Cornet's Prinz - Champion du Lys


v. Cornet's Prinz - Grannus

Züchter: Mike Schmidt
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