Comme il faut Cornet Obolensky Clinton
Rabanna van Costersveld
Ratina Z Ramiro Z
Argentina Z
Elite de Muze Malito de Reve Cumano
Dira Courcelle
Exquis Walnut de Muze Nabab de Reve
Qerly Chin


grey | 170 cm | 2018
Stud fee 900,- EUR plus VAT (Anzahlung 300,- EUR; bei Lebendfohlen 600,- EUR)

Covalliero is a stallion who offers an excellent combination of international performance genes: This brilliant son of Comme il Faut performed very well in his 14 day test, achieving a brilliant final score of 8,95.  The judges awarded him 9,5 for his jumping ability.  Last year, he was successful in young horse classes and had a super breeding debut which gives us a lot of hope for the future! 

Comme il faut - himself exceptionally wellbred by Cornet Obolensky and out of the top mare Ratina Z by Ramiro was highly succesful in international sport with Marcus Ehning. He won and was placed at CSI5* shows in Prague, Knokke, Bordeaux, Leipzig, and London as well as at many other top shows.  Covalliero’s damline also deserves special attention! Dam, Elite de Muze, is from one of the most successful damlines in the world and goes back to the mare Qerly Chin.  This damline has produced some of the best jumpers in the world, including one of the most successful jumpers on the planet now, “Killer Queen”, who won the Aachen Grand Prix in 2021 under Daniel Deusser!

Warmblood Fragile Foal Syndrome: negativ 

Approved for OS, Westphalian, Hannoverian, Mecklenburg, all southern studbooks - other studbooks upon request. 


Münster-Handorf 2023

Training Stallions 2023

Outdoor Stallionshow April 2022

Sporttest February 2022

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