Desperados FRH De Niro Donnerhall
St.Pr. Wie Musik Wolkenstein II
St.Pr. Maskottchen
St.Pr. Libella Londonderry Lauries Crusador xx
Windsor Queen
St.Pr. Felizitas Falkland
Isola Musica


Stallion | Chestnut | 173 cm | 2013
Frozen semen 400,- EUR plus VAT pro Portion

From a prime stallion to the winner of the NÜRNBERGER Burg-Pokal. Destacado is the model student in our stallion collection. Every year he convinces with his excellent quality in training sessions and at competitions. Bright chestnut stallion Destacado has an impressive top line with a beautifully muscled neck and shoulders. His three equally excellent basic paces, confidence and motivation, uphill conformation and outstanding balance make him predestined for the dressage arena.
Especially his natural, large and always balanced walk, gives him a unique position in the field of dressagebreeding. His offspring are of his outstanding type with a pronounced, muscled neck and a top line predestined for riding horses
, big-framed conformation and with outstanding movement. His second breeding year was crowned with the first licensed stallion at the Hannoverian licensing in winter 2020 (Destacado FRH/ Sandro Hit/ Brentano II).

His sire Desperados was one of the most successful dressage horses in the world and safe bet for a medal whenever he competed on a German championship team. His dam Libella had
WFFS: positiv
Approved for: Hanover, Oldenburg, Westphalia, all Southern Stud Books


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