Lord Leatherdale Lord Loxley I Lord Sinclair I
Fairless P Ferragamo
Aliska K Negro Ferro
Lisenka El Corona


Stallion | black | 172 cm | 2009
Frozen semen 1.500,- EUR plus VAT

Everdale is a very elegant model of a stallion, who delivers more with every performance and dazzles with his fantastic movement.   He won a Bronze medal at the Tokyo Olympic Games with his young rider, Charlotte Fry, and achieved the same placing shortly afterwards at the European Championships in Hagen a.TW. At the World Cup show in Mechelen Everdale impressed with a score of more than 83% in the Grand Prix Kür and took third place.  With his great talent for collection, he evokes the memory of his grandsire Negro. 

At stud, Everdale has already produced many highly-priced auction foals and delivered numerous licensed sons in the Netherlands, such as HLP-Champion Inclusive, as well as Inverness and Inspire. Daughter, Julietta Sione, was four-year-old champion at the Horsefood Dressage Talent-Cup. The first crop of foals are already successfully competing in international Grands Prix.  Ebony Clementine XT won the Oldenburger Landeschampionat. Many of his offspring are already winning at Prix St. Georg/Intermediare.  Sire, Lord Leatherdale, has won S-dressage and delivered many licensed sons. Damsire, Negro, was also successful at the highest level of the sport and considered a world-class sire.  The licensed stallions Fighting Alpha/Lars Nieberg, Havidoff, Sandreao and Vigaro are also descendents of the Dutch damline, “NL-merrielijn 003”. 

WFFS positive

Approved for KWPN, Oldenburg, Selle Francais, Hannoverian, Wesphalian, all southern German studbooks - further studbooks on request.


Stallionpresentation 2022

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