Heartbreaker Nimmerdor Farn
Bacarole Silvano
Dalida Van De Heffinck Fetiche Du Pas Le Tot De Semilly
Voltige Du Pas
Ovanna Van De Heffinck Darco
Havanna Van De Heffinck

Halifax van het Kluizebos

Chestnut | 166 cm | 2007
Frozen semen 750,- EUR pro Paillette plus VAT

By virtue of his pedigree and own performance a real “Eurofighter”: Halifax van het Kluizebos was six year old Belgian Show Jumping Champion. He has won numerous Grands Prix (including the Rolex Grand Prix in Rome/ITA in 2018) and was the best show jumper in the world in 2017 with Lorenzo de Luca (ITA). The oldest progeny are highly successful in show jumping, in levels appropriate for their age. Halifax has only experienced greater use as a breeding stallion since 2017 and has been awarded the coveted title of “Ambassadeur” in Belgium. In his pedigree the best bloodlines from the Netherlands, France and Belgium meet: Father Heartbreaker under Peter Geering (NED) was himself fourth in the Grand Prix of Aachen and winner of the Championat of Dortmund. As a sire he repeatedly featured amongst the top ten of the WBFSH world ranking list. The exceptionaly well bred SF-damsire Fetiche du Pas and the legendary Darco/Ludo Philippaerts (BEL) stand for jumping performance at the highest level. Halifax van het Kluizebos represents the “BWP prestatiestamm 13”, one of the strongest damlines in Belgium, which alongside numerour licensed sons, amongst others has produced the internationally successful show jumper Quel Homme 3/René Tebbel (two-time German National Champion). WFFS: negativ

Approved for Holstein, BWP, SBS, SF


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