Toulon Heartbreaker Nimmerdor
Nikita Jokinal de Bornival
Carianda Grannus Graphit
Cenessa Prinz Oldenburg


grey | 168 cm | 2012
Stud fee 1200,- EUR plus VAT

Making his debut in 2016: three starts – two wins, one second placing. 30 day test: jumping score 8,58, loose jumping: 9,0. With impressive control Twilight also knows how to implement his ability and a good bascule under saddle.
The typey grey boasts the impressive Heartbreaker as his grandfather via Toulon (WBSHF place 17). The combination of famous KWPN stallion Nimmerdor and the legendary sire Almé on the father side with Klein Roscharden’s S winner Grannus, Prinz Oldenburg and Argentinus on the mother side, are responsible for a promising first crop of foals.
Numerous Twilight foals were sold for five figure sums at the ESI auction. The mother line boasts jumpers with success up to 1.60 level.

Twilight – the higher, the better!

Approved for Oldenburger International, Westphalia, Rhineland, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and all southern German associations


Twilight v. Toulon x Grannus

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