Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve Narcos II Fair Play III
Olympia v/d krekebeke Laudanum XX
Racyona Z
Whoopie C Mr. Blue Couperus
Rapsodie C Feinschnitt vd Richter

Tobago Z

Chestnut | 164 cm | 2008
Frozen semen 1.000,- EUR per straw plus VAT

Extremely typey and always inspiring with his attitude, reflexes and scope: Tobago Z sets a high bar in international show jumping. Under Daniel Deusser, in the 2022 season alone he was able to win a 5* class in Wellington (USA), was victorious in the Grands Prix of ‘s Hertogenbosch (NED) and Brussels (BEL) and was unbeatable in the Global Champions Tour leg in New York (USA) and in the Super Grand Prix of Prague (CZE). He also added 4th place in the World Cup Final in Göteborg (SWE) and team silver at the European Championships in Rotterdam (NED) to his list of accolades. Internationally, four sons have been licensed, including the OS Champion Stallion Tobaro at the Oldenburger Hengst-Tage. The first offspring are already successfully competing at 1.50m. Three of the world’s show jumping greats feature in Tobago Z’s pedigree: Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve/Roelof Bril (NED), Mr Blue/Bert Romp (NED) and Feinschnitt I Z/Luis Astolfi (ESP). Through the valuable sire Furioso Z (by Furioso II/Gotthard) the roots lead back to BWP family 21, which produced an exceptional quantity of top sport horses. 

WFFS negative

Approved for OS, Westphalian, Holstein, Hannoverian, AES, Zangersheide, BWP - further studbooks on request.


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