For Romance I Fürst Romancier Fürst Heinrich
Gesina Sir Donnerhall I
Riana Fidertanz Fidermark NRW
Reine Freude
Ricola De Niro


Stallion | Bay | 172 cm | 2019
Stud fee 1.200,-€ plus VAT

O’Frederic is an impressive and very likeable stallion. This still very young stallion captivates with relaxed movement coupled with his quiet and superiour aura. This stallion, who is still at the ver beginning of his career, demonstrates impressive balance and very good body awareness.  Cadenced, swinging through the body, very natural and serene, O’Frederic knows how to please under saddle. 

His sire, For Romance I, himself by the famous stallion mother, Gesina, began his career as an Oldenburg champion stallion and main premium winner.  His sporting achievements include qualifying for the Bundeschampionat of dressage horses, competing in the Burg-Pokal-Finale as well as gaining placings at Grand Prix under Therese Nilhagen.  More than 50 of For Romance’s sons have been licensed already.

Frederic’s dam is the Oldenburg mare, Riana, who combines the blood of numerous influential German dressage sires.  With her first son, O’Frederic, Riana produced a licensed stallion right away. Riana’s sire is Fidertanz, who competed up to Grand Prix and was crowned Hannoverian stallion of the year in 2021.  Granddam, Ricola, is daughter of dressage stallion De Niro.  Ricola produced numerous successful offspring, including the international Grand Prix horse, Duke of Swing, who competed under Camille Judet Cheret. 

WFFS negative

Approved for KWPN - further studbooks on request. 


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