Ferro Ulft Le Mexico
Brenda Farn
Fewrie Variant Afrikaner XX
Mewri Gondelier


Stallion | black | 170 cm | 1995
Frozen semen 1500,- EUR plus VAT

Negro is a world-class stallion in breeding and sport alike. He was winner of the Dutch stallion competition (NL Hengstwettbewerbe) in 2000 and 2001 and won the title “Youngster Stallion” in Zwolle, 2001. At the World Championships in 2001 in Verden, Negro was the best 6-year-old KWPN. In 2012 he was awarded the honorary premium “preferent” and was KWPN Stallion of the Year in 2017. Negro is father of Valegro, among others, who after winning double Olympic gold in London in 2012 also won individual gold at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro in 2016 under Charlotte Dujardin. Valegro also became European Champion, a World Cup winner, World Champion, three-time world record holder, KWPN Horse of the Year in 2014 and one of the most successful dressage horses of all time. In addition to this, Negro is the father of the 2016 three-year-old NMK-Champion Iveniz Texel RS2. His offspring are successful at the highest levels internationally in impressive numbers. In 2018, he produced numerous top-priced auction horses, including Kept Secret (€ 130.000) and Nagano (€ 75.000). He is the damsire of notable licensed stallions, such as Jayson, Jameson (PAVO Cup winner – four-year-old), Glamourdale and Everdale. Father Ferro is a proven top sire. For years, he was a permanent fixture in the Dutch national dressage team and is the father of many Grand Prix dressage horses. Negro’s mother boasts the internationally renowned stallions Variant and Gondelier in her pedigree and descends from a very good mare line (NL-merrielijn 256), which has been awarded the premium “keur“.

Approved for KWPN, DV, OL


Hengstpresentation 2022

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