Fidertanz Fidermark Florestan I
St.Pr.St. Reine Freude Ravallo
St.Pr.St. Frühlingssonne
St.Pr.St. Ciara Baroncelli Bergamon
St.Pr.St. Madeira
St.Pr.St. Carrara Alabaster
St.Pr.St. Carmen


Bay | 167 cm | 2010
Frozen semen 500,- EUR plus VAT

When he appears, the judges reach for the top scores: with a 10.0 for the canter, Fiderbach thrilled fans as the 2013 Oldenburg state champion under Anne Lauderbach. The rideability score of 9.75 from the guest rider in the 30-day test was just as spectacular. In the test logs, scores of 9.0 or better appear nine times. His dressage-orientated fi nal score of 8.61 is one of the top scores of the year. In the showseason 2014 he won among other the „Reitpferdechampionat“ of former auctionshorses in Vechta. His fi rst foals convinced by good movements and good types. The 2014 champion foal in Great Britian is by Fiderbach OLD (see image).
Fiderbach‘s sire Fidertanz is the successor of the great Florestan, already sire of several national champions and successful in S-dressage. Fiderbach is fascinating – not in the least because of his extremely springy, sweeping trot. On the dam side, he has the valuable Bolero blood through Grand Prix stallion Baroncelli, perfectly rounded out by true-to-type Alabaster and jumping/dressage success Freiherr. Fiderbach‘s dam line is one of the most modern families in Oldenburg breeding, with highlights such as Calamity Jane, winning mare of 2013, the winning stallion of 2012, Follow Me and Grand Prix stallion Donnnerball. It doesn‘t get any more up to date!

Fiderbach – a dressage star at the beginning of a great career!

Licensed for Oldenburg, Hanover, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Westphalia, Rhineland and all southern German associations.


Fiderbach OLD v. Fidertanz - Baroncelli

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