Hors La Loi II Papillon Rouge Jalisco B
Ariane Du Plessis II Joyau Dor
Promesse Heartbreaker Nimmerdor
Chablis Carthago


Stallion | grey | 167 cm | 2001
Stud fee 1.850,- EUR plus VAT

A particularly elegant show jumping specialist with an excellent canter, fast reflexes and a lot of scope. With almost completely unique breeding, he combines the very best genes of the most important European jumping lines. Untouchable caused a sensation internationally: he was first very successful with Alvaro Miranda de Neto (BRA) and later with Daniel Deusser (GER) in World Cups, Nations Cups and Grands Prix. The oldest offspring are already successfully competing at advanced level up to 1.60m. 

The father, Hors la Loi II, jumped Grands Prix successfully for many years, first under Rodrigo Pessoa (BRA) and later with Hugo Simon (AUT). The damline also boasts showjumping celebrities with the world-class stallion Heartbreaker/Peter Geerink (NED) and the grey Holsteiner Carthago/Jos Lansink (BEL). The extended pedigree includes the renowned Holstein sires Calypso I, Romantiker and Cottage Son xx. Untouchable descends from Holsteiner line 18 a 2 which has produced over 100 licensed sons, including Canoso, C-Trenton Z, Cheetano, Calvadur, Classker, Leonardo I and II, Marmor, Quvee Prestige, as well as countless international show jumpers, such as Arturo jun./Christian Ahlmann, Calle Cool/Carsten-Otto Nagel, Claire 44/Markus Renzel, Cristallo 5/Alois Pollmann-Schweckhorst, Mercator 4/Tjark Nagel and Min Jung 2/Peter Hoff. 

WFFS negative

Approved for OS, Holstein, Westphalian, all southern studbooks, KWPN, Denmark, SF, BWP.


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