For Pleasure Furioso II Furioso xx
Dame de Ranville
Giganten Grannus
Stamyta Stakkato Spartan
Missi Mytens xx

For Professor

Bay | 168 cm | 2016
Frozen semen 600,- EUR

A new actor on the breeding stage, who clearly embodies his sporting vocation as a show jumper. In canter and above all over fences this impeccably bred stallion oozes the quality of his pedigree: attentive in every phase, very consistent, with elasticity, technique and scope.  For Professor is direct half brother to the already highly esteemed Chaccato, who was awarded the I a-Hauptprämie in 2014 and who competes in international Grands Prix with Guido Klatte jun. His father, For Pleasure, was German Champion, Olympic Team Champion, European Team Champion and won Nations Cups and World Cup classes.

As a sire he is the current number 11 on the WBFSH world ranking list, in Germany alone he has 197 progeny who are successful at S level and in 2000 was “Hannoverian Stallion of the Year”. The Damsire, Stakkato, also won this title in 2007. With Eva Bitter he won the Hannoveraner Springpferdechampionat in 1998 in Dobrock and also the Bundeschampionat in Warendorf. In 2003 and 2010 the pair became German Champion of ladies show jumping and successfully competed in Nations Cups for Germany. The valuable thoroughbred, Mytens xx, close to the ideal image in type, nobility and charisma, has on numerous occasions procuded horses which have been highly placed  in the Bundeschampionat for eventers and significantly raises For Professor’s profile. He represents an originally Hannoverian line with a long tradition in Mecklenburg. It produced 15 licensed stallions, champion mares and international sport horses. WFFS: negativ

Approved for OS, Westfalia, Mecklenburg, all southern German associations


Stallion Show 2019

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