Armitage Argentinus Argentan
Farina Grannus
Lucinda Jo Nabab de Reve Quidam de Revel
Melodie en Fa
Noblesse van het Lambroeck Darco
Bea de Lauzelle


Stallion | Bay | 173 cm | 2017
Stud fee 800,-€ plus VAT - only home insemination

A-One convinces with phenomenal scope and outstanding technique, which have already earned him numerous placings in tests for young show jumpers. This youngster has an exceptional attitude and excellent rideability. The pedigree leaves almost nothing to be desired with Armitage, Nabab de Reve, and Darco in the third generation.

Armitage was first successful with Marcus and Johannes Ehning in international sport up to 1.60m before Guido Klatte jr. became German Champion with him at the first attempt. His dam, Lucinda Jo (by Nabab de Reve), was herself successful in the sport up to S level and already has numerous offspring who have proven themselves up to 1.60 m. Nabab de Reve was himself successful internationally and won Team Bronze at the World Equestrian Games in 2002. Furthermore, he is the father of 2010 World Champion, Vigo d’Arsouilles. Granddam, Noblesse v/h Lambroek, produced 5 offspring by different sires, who are internationally successful at the highest level. Sire, Darco, who was Ludo Philippaerts’ legendary horse, delivered an exceptionally high number of successful and licensed progeny. A-One descends from the well-proven BWP Prestatiestam 22.  

WFFS positive

Approved for OS, Mecklenburg, all southern German studbooks - further studbooks on request.

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