Quick Star Galoubet A Alme
Stella Nithard x
Chin Chin's Lady Chin Chin Constant
Promise N Caretino

Qlassic Touch

grey | 172 cm | 2019
Frozen semen 800,- EUR plus VAT

We are pleased to be able to offer you something really quite special with Qlassic Touch. This very noble and long-legged grey by Quick Star - Chin Chin possesses all the attributes of a future star athlete. This still youthful stallion is characterised by a combination of scope and an unbelievably careful jump, as well as being highly intelligent. Last year, Qlassic Touch successfully completed his short-format stallion test in Warendorf and then demonstrated his scope and careful jumping style at the sport test in Münster-Handorf in 2023. The evaluation committee rewarded him with high marks for his canter, scope and excellent rideability. 

His sire, Quick Star, achieved numerous victories in international Grands Prix under Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum and his offspring also prove their inherited talent on the showground to this day, for example, the Olympic champion Quick Star with Nick Skelton (GBR).  The damline can be directly traced back to Ludger Beerbaum’s Olympic champion, Classic Touch.  United Touch with Richard Vogel also descends from this line, thus the top sires are lined up. Chin Chin, himself successful  up to 1.60 m jumping, is sire of the famous mare Qerly Chin, as well as Arezzo VDL, Gin Chin v/h Lindenhof, and many more. This is followed by the Holsteiner, Caretino, who is considered one of the pillars of Holstein breeding, not only through his son Casall or Chika’s Way, but also Connor and Cooper v/d Heffinck. Further down the damline we find the world class sires Acord II, Carthago Z and Landgraf I. 

Warmblood Fragile Foal Syndrome: negative

Approved for OS, Westphalian, Hannoverian, all southern German studbooks - further studbooks on request.


Outdoor Stallionshow April 2022

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