Lord Leatherdale Lord Loxley I Lord Sinclair I
Fairless P Ferragamo
Thuja Negro Ferro
Jasmijn Ahorn


Stallion | black | 170 cm | 2011
Stud fee 2.200,- EUR plus VAT max. 2 doses per heat

Typey black stallion Glamourdale and his producer Charlotte Fry (GBR) are currently 2022 Double World Champions and London World Cup Champions having scored a personal best of more than 84% in the Grand Prix Special and 91% in the Grand Prix Kür. Previously, Glamourdale was the undisputed champion at the 2014 KWPN licensing, reserve champion at the 2014 KWPN stallion performance test and performed very well in the PAVO Cup and stallion competition.  In 2016 he came a respectable 10th place in the World Championship for five-year-old dressage horses in Ermelo (NED) and in 2018 he was crowned FEI World Champion of seven-year-old dressage horses at the same venue; his canter was rewarded with the maximum score of 10.0. The reigning Herning World Equestrian Games Champion can count more than 20 licensed sons, elite foals and top-price auction lots as well as the internationally successful Kuvasz RS2, Kashmir and Kyro amongst his offspring. 

Sire, Lord Leatherdale, himself successful at S-level, has so far produced 15 licensed sons. Dam, Thuja, produced the elite mares Zonnebloem (by Polansky) and Fresia (by Jazz). Thuja is full sister to English A-Cadre top Grand Prix Horse Numberto (Spencer Wilton). Great granddam Clementine (by Ulft) bred Händel (by Wolfgang), who was internationally successful with Michael Whitaker in his day. 

WFFS negative

Approved for Oldenburg, Hannover, Wesphalian, KWPN, all southern German studbooks - further studbooks on request.



FEI World Champion Grand Prix Freestyle 2022

Stallionpresentation 2022

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