Connor Casall Caretino
Korradas S Core de la Bryre
Zostia For Pleasure Furioso II
Ondine I Contender


Bay | 169 cm | 2011
Frozen semen 750,- EUR plus VAT

This strikingly marked Holstein horse is characterised by his fast reflexes, bascule and scope, which he has already demonstrated in international classes up to 1.45m, appropriate for his age.

Already as a young horse, he received top marks in his stallion performance test (including 10,0 for conformation and jumping ability) and won numerous young horse jumping classes and Bundeschampionat qualifications. At the end of his six-year-old year, Gregory Wathelet took over the reins on this handsome dark bay and achieved many victories and placings in international (youngster) classes.

His pedigree reads like a Who’s Who of modern show jumping breeding. Father Connor – who was himself successful at S level as a seven year old, descends from the legendary Casall out of the full sister of the unforgotten Corrado I. Mother Zostia was herself successful show jumper up to S** and combines the exceptional sires For Pleasure, double Olympic Team Champion and European Team Champion in his time, and Contender.

Several of Carleyle’s sons from his first crops of foals were able to achieve the coveted title “licensed”. The oldest offspring impress in young horse classes with their great style over a fence, scope and rideability.



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