Catoki Cambridge Caletto II
Bilda Silvester
Birmingham from Zellik Thunder van de Zuuthoeve Argentinus
Jura van St. Maarten
Uschi van Zellik Skippy II
Jirka II van't Solheide

Sherlock van't Huka

dark bay | 169 cm | 2018
Stud fee 900,- EUR plus VAT (Anzahlung 300,- EUR; bei Lebendfohlen 600,- EUR)

Sherlock van’t Huka is a perfect example of a future Main Sire and impresses with type, elegance and athleticism. This fantastic jumping son of Catoki already impressed at his performance test with his jumping ability, character and willingness to perform. A light-footed and athletic stallion with fast reflexes, he shows a lot of promise for the future. In his first show season, Sherlock van´t Huka successfully competed in young horse classes. We await his first crop of foals with great excitement!

Sire, Catoki, boasts numerous wins and placings in World Cup classes, Nations Cups and Grands Prix. Already, many of his sons have been licensed in all German studbooks and are successful at S-level themselves.  Dam, Birmingham from Zellik, produced Igor van’t Wannehof by Calato who is successful at 1.45m.  Damsire, Thunder v/d Zuuthoeve, is also the sire of such successful sporthorses as HH Azur, Fleur de L’Aube, Turbo Z, Excenel V and J’adore v/h Klinkhof. Sherlock’s pedigree is completed in the third generation with the stallion, Skippy II, himself successful at 1.60m.

WFFS negative

Approved for OS, Westphalian, Hannoverian, all southern German studbooks - further studbooks on request.


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Klatte Stallionshow 2024

Training Stallions 2023

Outdoor Stallionshow April 2022

Sporttest February 2022

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