Negro Ferro Ulft
Fewrie Variant
Zoriana Jazz Cocktail
Poriana Juventus


Stallion | black | 170 cm | 2015
Stud fee 1.700,- EUR plus VAT max. 2 doses per heat

Kjento is the current World Champion of 7-year-old dressage horses and impressed in Ermelo in 2022 with a final score of 85.786%. Particularly noteworthy was the trotwork, for which the jury awarded the perfect score of 10.0! Kjento is a fine black stallion and exceptionally modern example, who dazzles with his brilliant type and exceptionally high quality basic paces. Kjento received one of the best scores in the history of the Dutch stallion performance tests with top marks for rideability and basic paces and reconfirmed this impressive evaluation when he became vice-champion four-year-old in the 2019 PAVO Cup. The double world champion can already count licensed sons, elite foals and top-priced auction lots amongst his offspring.  Sire, Negro, was competitive at the highest level and through his sons and grandsons, has had a big influence on the sport. The dam, Elitestute Zoriana, was third in the Dutch mare test and received a top score of 90 points, with a 10.0 for her trot.  She has been placed at S-level dressage, as has her mother Poriana, who also earned all of the honorary premiums and produced many S-level horses. Zoriana’s full brothers are successful at Big Tour. Damsire, Jazz, was an international Grand Prix winner and once again topped the WBFSH dressage sire rankings in 2019. Great granddam, Koriana, also bred various S level dressage horses. Her sire, Rubinstein I, has decisively shaped a whole generation of German dressage horse breeding from Oldenburg and was himself an international Grand Prix winner. 

WFFS negative

Approved for Oldenburg, Hannoverian, Wesphalian, KWPN, all southern German studbooks - further studbooks on request.


Stallionpresentation 2022

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