Chaccato Chacco-Blue Chambertin
Stamyta Stakkato
Campanula Z Carthago Capitol I
Sonora Mr. Blue

Charthago Blue OLD

Stallion | grey | 178 cm | 2015
Stud fee 1200,- EUR plus VAT

Carthago Blue OLD is an exceptional stallion in every respect and is one of the most frequented young sires in Europe.   This Chaccato x Carthago x Mr. Blue son from our own breeding programme impresses with his outstanding attitude, technique, carefulness and power in the ring, all of which gives great hope for the future. He passed his HLP sport test with a score of 9.21, one of the highest scores since the nationwide introduction of this test format.  Fittingly for his age, he boasts national and international wins and placings up to 1.35/1.40m. His offspring, the oldest of which are now three years old, are particularly typey and long-legged with a lot of scope and distinctively friendly characters.  Numerous Charthago Blue OLD offspring have achieved the top price at various auctions and some are already loose jumping champions! 

His sire, Chaccato by Chacco Blue x Stakkato, who began his breeding and sporting career in Klein Roscharden, qualified for the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2019. The mother, Campanula Z, produced numerous successful show jumpers up to 1.45 level. The damsire, Carthago Z, participated in the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta under Jos Lansink and delivered 278 S-level horses. Great Grandsire, Mr Blue, himself victorious in the Nations Cup in Aachen for the Netherlands, bred world class horses Simon/Beezie Madden (USA) and Plot Blue/Marcus Ehning. Via the internationally successful Holstein horse Lux Z/Jerry Smit (ITA) and the legendary Pilot, the damline can be traced back to Westphalian roots. 

WFFS: negative

Approved for OS, Hannoverian, Wesphalian, Holstein, Italy, all southern German studbooks - further studbooks on request.


Outdoor Stallionshow April 2022

Hengstschau in Negernbötel

Training part 2


June 2019

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