Argentan Absatz Abglanz
St.Pr.St. Worms Wohlan
Dorle Duden II Duellant
Winterrose Wirbel II


Bay | 172 cm | 1980
Frozen semen 1.000,- EUR plus VAT

We always knew the importance of the genetic potential of our former master stallion Argentinus. During his life-time he made sure - especially if combined with mares carrying other Klatte stallions, all and above Grannus, in their pedigree - that international show jumping cannot be imagined without the Zuchthof Klatte. The year 2012 has proven again: Argentinus is an evergreen! His son Armitage was highly successful in sports, he provided the top show jumper at the P.S.I.-Auction and the Champion stallion in Mecklenburg. The runner-up stemmed from Arko, another Argentinus grandchild. Four offspring were qualified to the German Young Horse Championships. Internationally, Banda de Hus and All Star were among the many successful children of Argentinus. Ranked 71 in the world ranking of stallions in 2012, he leaves other legends like Polydor, Olympic Champion Baloubet du Rouet and Calido behind. It always pays to use frozen semen of Argentinus, because you know what to expect! Argentinus – somebody like him is born once every 50 years!

Licensed for all of Germany (with the exception of Holstein), Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Ireland und Italy.





v. Argentinus - Continue mit Phil Lever, AUS Züchter: Walter Behrens

Banda de Hus

v. Argentinus - Lefevre mit Kevin Staut, FRA Züchter: Werner Sandkamp
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